Tool Favorit Anda?? Post disini

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Re: Tool Favorit Anda?? Post disini

Post by dikatheripper » Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:40 pm

skyyZ wrote:google
remove pass deep

program rampok apaan gan :ngakak:

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Re: Tool Favorit Anda?? Post disini

Post by UmMut » Sat Feb 13, 2010 11:00 am

Klo gk salah rampok buat nyedot semua isi Flashdisk yg nyolok dikompi,,,

Sekalian share tools tools yg ane pake
1. NetCut (Aplikasi wajib)
2. Keylogger
3. Password recovery
4. ProRat
5. mbah google

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Re: Tool Favorit Anda?? Post disini

Post by iker_nel » Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:11 pm

pada lg obral dagangan nih..betul betul betul. dua tiga TOOLS semuanya bagus2

hehehe keep share.. :ngakak:

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Re: Tool Favorit Anda?? Post disini

Post by Bi4kKob4r » Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:44 am

gw sih dikit :circle: :circle: :circle:
  • google
  • nmap
  • terminal
  • notepad
:putusasa: :putusasa: :putusasa:
I think just : Make better than the best

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Re: Tool Favorit Anda?? Post disini

Post by hirazaki » Sat Feb 20, 2010 11:45 am

klo ane cuman pake
1. google crome
2. mbah google
3. flashget (gara2 idm ane ke block)
4. netcut+anti netcut (jarang digunain, coz lom ada laptop)
5. deepfreez
itu doank.. maklum masih newbie!!
:putusasa: :putusasa:

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Re: Tool Favorit Anda?? Post disini

Post by 3xtr3m3b0y » Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:57 am

Toolz running on My Ubuntu Hardy :
1. Mozilla Firefox < My Favorite Browser with Full Add-on Support
2. < for searching the right victim
3. < find another target at the same machine with the victim
4. < find fast web proxy
5., < find all exploits
6. IPTRAF < We can use it to detect host IP that active on the LAN through Broadcast Packet
7. NSLOOKUP < translate Name Address to IP Address
8. NMAP < detect opened port 'n the service version on the victim machine
9. METASPLOIT < My Favorite Penetration Toolz
10. INTELLITAMPER < Explore the intire Website
11. PASSWORD PRO < Password Cracker
12. JOHN THE RIPPER < My Fav Linux Password Cracker
13. WIRESHARK < My Fav. Sniffing Tool
14. DSNIFF < My Fav. Spoofing Tool
15. AIRCRACK-NG < for Wireless Hacking
16. PIDGIN < My Fav. IM Client, we can use it to detect Chat Friend's IP Address
...n0 l1m17...

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