Toolz running on My Ubuntu Hardy :
1. Mozilla Firefox < My Favorite Browser with Full Add-on Support
2. < for searching the right victim
3. < find another target at the same machine with the victim
4. < find fast web proxy
5., < find all exploits
6. IPTRAF < We can use it to detect host IP that active on the LAN through Broadcast Packet
7. NSLOOKUP < translate Name Address to IP Address
8. NMAP < detect opened port 'n the service version on the victim machine
9. METASPLOIT < My Favorite Penetration Toolz
10. INTELLITAMPER < Explore the intire Website
11. PASSWORD PRO < Password Cracker
12. JOHN THE RIPPER < My Fav Linux Password Cracker
13. WIRESHARK < My Fav. Sniffing Tool
14. DSNIFF < My Fav. Spoofing Tool
15. AIRCRACK-NG < for Wireless Hacking
16. PIDGIN < My Fav. IM Client, we can use it to detect Chat Friend's IP Address
...n0 l1m17...