p0wny-shell (Single-file PHP shell)

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p0wny-shell (Single-file PHP shell)

Post by familycode » Tue Jun 11, 2019 5:31 am


Single-file PHP shell

p0wny@shell:~# is a very basic, single-file, PHP shell. It can be used to quickly execute commands on a server when pentesting a PHP application. Use it with caution: this script represents a security risk for the server.


- Command history (using arrow keys ↑ ↓)

- Auto-completion of command and file names (using Tab key)

- Navigate on the remote file-system (using cd command)

- Upload a file to the server (usig upload <destination_file_name> command)

- Download a file from the server (using download <file_name> command)

Download : https://github.com/flozz/p0wny-shell

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